This is the 11th and final installment of this Land Records Series for my 2nd great grandfather. I must say, I'm going to miss it a little bit. However, the wealth of information I have gained from posting these records to my blog is ... well, priceless. I really think that had I not transcribed these documents word-for-word, there are a lot of details I might have missed. That would have been tragic.
I'm not really sure what this last document is. It appears to be a cover of some sort for the land record file, but I can't be sure. It consists of 4 small pages, and I'm really only assuming they all go together. In any case, here they are:
Page 474
Cash No. 4290
L. O. Yankton, D.T.
Name: Zenophile Lanctot
Tract: Nw
Sec. 13, Tp. 99w(?), R. 67N
Docket No. __, Page __
Recv'd for patent
Referred to Div. Oct 20/88
Aug. 2, 1889. Non-alienation
Approved: Mar 22 - 1890
Pre. No. 3290
District Yankton
No. of acres, 160
Errors in description, none
Date of Settlement, Aug 1-84
" " Entry (in Hds.),
" " Residence, " " "
" " Proof, ??? 22-85*
" Advertised, " 17-"
" of Certificate, Sept. 9-"
Officer taking proof, Prob Judge
" advertised, " "
No. of weeks advertised, 6
Proof by Clmt.
Improvements, house 12x14; stable 12x16, well
Value of 600.00
Acres broken, 65
" in crop, ";
Kinds of crops, flax, wheat, oats, corn, potatoes, & garden
Residence claimed, 1 Yrs., -- Mos., 22 Days.
Military or Naval service claimed, none
" " " " verified,
No. of absences, none
Total duration,
Claimant's family, wife & 2 children
Papers missing, none
Remarks, In the Prob Judge's letter to RTR
he states that he was absent from the county
until Aug 22, the date to which all official
business before the court was adjourned.
Examined ___ day of ________, 188 .
[Rex Man?] Examiner.
responsibility for all errors and omissions, and in
estimating their reliability and efficiency all such
errors and omissions will be considered.
These cards to be used only for the purpose intended.
Chief Clerk.
Rule 9

No. 4290
Yankton, Dakota
Sec. 13, Town. 99, Range 67
Ds. 4583. ???
Aug 1, Sept 7/84. No ??
Approved Mar 22-1890
by B.F.C., Clerk.
Division 9
Patented May 6 1890
Recorded Vol 10, Page 56
*I know the proof was given Aug 22, 1885, but for the life of me, I could not make this jibberish "say" Aug or August or anything even remotely similar.
So basically, these pages are simply reiterating everything that's on all the other documents in this series ... with two exceptions: the date the patent was approved, and the date it was actually patented. Two new pieces of information for my timeline!
One question I do have ... and perhaps someone who has some naturalization experience or some experience with land records can help answer this: What does "Non-alienation" mean (page 1 under "action")? Could that possibly be the date he received his certificate of naturalization? Since I know the date of his Declaration of Intent, it shouldn't be that difficult to have a date range for his Petition and then his Certificate, right? Ha! This is definitely going to require further research into the immigration and naturalization process. I don't even know where to begin looking ... I know the South Dakota State Historical Society doesn't have anything but his "first papers." I guess I will have to look in some federal court records or something. One more thing for my to-do list ...